2 min readDec 8, 2024



Thank you, my dearest and kind queen of the UN, Se7en Seas and all and sundry, RvR®️, BB&B my sweet Jaylee🖤 -- Yes, I should be ashamed to have rejigged the rickety jetty of Marwa my sweet -- what was I thinking?! ...and swimming in the Caribbean way out in the water my sweet -- more "Trainspotting", oh come on! -- it seems to be our wont my dear sweet, but of course it's not my sweet -- it's not even what we do...until we do! of course! ...speaking of Marwa -- she has now been upstaged by a British kiwi queen of the high seas my sweet turns out, on the high seas no less my sweet - well, maybe low seas my sweet, not sure which, but hit a spot of bova on a reef my sweet - the seven seas a bridge too far my sweet my sweet --- perhaps in need of a rickety jetty my sweet -- thus putting such a thesis to bed my sweet -- that is until my dear sweet UN Queen relived her disastrous jetty demise -- commiserations my dear sweet -- 🪜🪑nobody should have to bid adieu to their jetty in their humble city my dear sweet 🏙️🗽-- goes without saying my sweet I know -- I don't suppose that'd be the jetty by the Great River itself my sweet? -- Probs not, it is sacrilege to even perish the thought my dear sweet -- I know -- point taken -- Yes, my sweet it has darkened wood written all over it seems -- same wood different metaphor my sweet --

¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯💦 Thank you for keeping me abreast of all that ensues at the granite belt and beyond my dear sweet -- It is a relief to know the darkened wood of said near mashed up bridge has remained intact my sweet for my queen of the adytum to cross when needed my sweet -- Thank you for your inspired musings of Castalia poetry my dear sweet Jaylee -- much appreciated, of course as alway💤my sweet





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