There is much to dissect and deconstruct here Jarrett -- -- let me just say, by walking backwards you have tapped the warping of spacetime -- Yes ! Just as proven by your walkycountythinger -- you are travelling back in time -- it's the same as a car being a poor man's time-machine - jump in one and miraculously only minutes later you are somewhere completely different -- Now jump in said poor man's time macine set it for 2018 and you will find you are a hell of a long way from where you were planning on going !
Long story short, I think the tell tale signs always rested in the fact that Dune actually preceded Star Warz -- [I rest my case] Again, like your walkingcounterthingy and the poor man's time machine, -- proof positive we can traverse back in time -- 'traverse' being the key word here.
Thanks for your great piece Jarrett -- proving once again E=MC2