Ouch! Wow! & OMG, my dearest🍒sweet 🖤Modern🔻 Triangle🖤 where do they roam To market, to market to buy a small chick, Home again, home again, jiggety jig - No I don't know what that means! How would I ? ...I have gone haywire for your wonderful piece, and why didn't I think of it -- lol -- I know why, because of the originality and brilliance of The Modern🔻Triangle...mmm! The creator of O Rain! Thank you my dear sweet Modern🔻 Triangle! 🖤 The only problem I have is, it would seem that Old Shakespeare - lol -- and CM are more tech savvy than Modern Shakespeare! 💥😎
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! for the awesome hard work you put in -- and I am not the only one to love your work 👍