Sep 18, 2023


omg -- 🍸I'll have what she's having, be damned...You have putin' the queen in play my sweet -- and now you're comfortably bunkered down in the the adytum🏛️...'tis dark in there! Oh Yea! That said -- I will say this -- enough said, what more can I say? I feel it has all been said, my sweet 🍬 [do you think that will stop me? No! -- you'd be correct!] --'re in the adytum, that's all she rote! You have breached the parapet with your wisdom, my dearest dearest sweet 🦌Jaylee, and landed in the poppy fields of no return🌹🥀 -- Thank you for your awesome and wonderful feedback my sweet✅ -- even though in the dark, you are head and shoulders above this poor laborer of lilt and lyric! 🕳️💤As you are so fond of saying my sweet: "Someonez gotta do it" -- How true, my sweet!





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