🤍Oh, commiserations regarding your old dad dear Jaylee -- 🙏even estranged, it is poignant moment for you -- I remember you saying how you were living the dream down the deep end at the local pool -- such a trying time for you then, as is now -- so makes sense --Sometimes we might question ourselves in such circumstances, but it is only a trick of the compos mentis my dear sweet🪑 -- very little could have prevented such circumstances, I am sure! 🤍🩶🖤So take your time my sweet, get reacquainted with the adytum, don't rush, make a big pot of tea and a slice or two of moist choc a do doo 🍰don't ingest or inhale anything...especially the Lan choo, and all will be fine my dear sweet queen of the UN, adytum, RvR®️✈️☄️and associates -- Don't worry about thiefy -- he's off to take in a few z's - as is his wont - be up fresh and early Monday morning my sweet, the adytum books will need straightening out for the coming fiscal year! ¯💰¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯💰thieffy seems to have run out of fingers and toes in adding up the huge returns