lol -- Thanks my dear Jaylee❤ -- I don't think there's much doubt that Nefertiti was multi-faceted -- marrying a pharoah; helping reorganize religion; all whilst said to be the most beautiful in the land -- As you say Jaylee, some experts have speculated about her "eye" -- I thought I would put it back in -- lol -- I doubt if she was the most beautiful with one eye -- You know the prejudice of the masses when they get going -- lol -- I also gave her an ear back, and, sculptured them more dainty -- lol -- surely she wasn't missing half an ear as well!? -- lol -- I could be lieing [probably are] but I'm not entirely sure about 'the lies' -- Thank you sweet Jaylee -- most appreciated - sorry for conflcting with your research! 😎❤❤❤