Jun 22, 2022


Just awesome my dear sweet 🍬exciting attraction - lol - You have reached artistic nirvana dearest ❤Jaylee❤ -- and have totally stolen my thoughts 🔫😎 "How long is forlorn when cream is forgone" 🍦Did I hear somebody say ouch!? goes without saying my Queens👑land mate

Okay the opening clip is totally up there ☝ near the endless blue sky meadows awaiting its cows to hightail it home 🐄💧 And I loved how you tickled tummies aplenty with your super-sonnet [lets now name it for what it is] -- so awesome from an awesome person! ❤❤🍬❤❤👑..................................................🐸..🎂.........🦋

Thanks for exceptional and wonderful response to the prompt my dear Jaylee! 🎈🎉😎❤❤❤




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