I think there were African slave owners if I'm not wrong, Amae - a blight on history to be sure -- but the fact that it took local African traders to round-up the slaves and get them to market shows it more than an Anglo business, in fact in ancient Greece [and Rome] slaves were aplenty -- this is man's wont historically - getting an easy ride -- indeed could be viewed from many perspectives. The Greek Oracle at Delphi would recommend the freeing of individual slaves and indeed their names can be seen on the walls of Delphi to this day. There were also African slaveowners in USA, many around New Orleans - I think it is complex and not necessarily racist practice, but the preying on weaker people - and even with many a nuance in more current times - there are slaves in China even now, and middle eastern kingdoms still enslave with a modern twist [withdraw passports -- don't pay wages, etc] to south Asians -- As you say, It can't be justified - but my feeling is that many a young person would be better educated / balanced by not dwelling on negatives but on their own potentials by now -- all history impacts us as individuals and groups - but to live them over and over means to continue this ad infinitum, which is fair to nobody. Thank you Amae