I think in current society (in future societies, who knows!) we should endorse winning....and losing! -- it is okay to win, and it gives one perspective to lose, humility in winning can actually breed tolerance...not pretend tolerance, but the real deal! -- unlike that which is currently preached, which is all about dividing -- all, it would seem, in the name of mediocrity and touchy/feely -- it is a fool's errand -- we are all competitors whether we like it or not -- since all winners have become the go-to philosophy, society has deteriorated (like another political lie - never to be believed), half hide from sin, while the other side provokes confrontation -- this is not a loserless society -- it is a society of ALL losers for not having the wisdom and maturity to rise or fall! Very thought-provoking piece, Rasim -- as you may have noticed -- lol