Hi Adelia, I'm glad to hear you are basking in the Costa Rican wine-soaked sun, beachcombing, not concerning yourself with the demographics of the evil world...wait! No but really, the premise of the Malthusian fool has always been part of me too -- that said, there will always be the powers who be, and they ain't givin' up without a shitfight! ...I would suspect! Then there's the international level - a case in point: China -- the West is not going to hand the heat'n and beat'n planet to China on a silver platter -- China, who pretend at everything they do -- they pretend to fight climate change, but build a new coal fired power station every week ; they pretend to be third world, but land probes on the dark side of the moon -- they want world domination -- that said, they are heading for a huge demographic slide into the abyss, like the muddy roads of their mountain passes in a monsoon -- So not only the individual level, but international -- We just might have to sit this one out Adelia and become spectators -- Great article Adelia!