Elvis is in the building 🕺-- and he's all shook up --- "bam"...just like that, he has encountered a clean eight on the Beefheartian Scale...aka "The" scale...of 13 fretless tones
NEXT!! -- "As Virulent as You" -- Well let's see, E would say - "Virulent"...Yes! -- "Viral"...nooo...not really! -- Beefheartian - a flat 7
-- "Strange Calm" -- hmmm...E is in the building and listening 🎶...fearful of a Nickelback moment...not experienced since Nickelback itself -- okay, Elvis has a judgement -- 5 on the sliding scale of fretless moments -- 🎸
Thank you Alexander -- E would like to say he too enjoys Eyes Wide Shut moments and there are YouTube videos of guys entering the mansion -- just as E enters the building, by the back door...as it were -- -- it is in England and it is unoccupied -- pretty cool -- there is a room adjacent the "sacrifice" room that is akin to the famed Amber Room (the famed Russian Hermitage room of amber that seemed to go missing in action circa WW11
🎤.......Elvis has left the building