Darling I love you but give me Park Avenue -- 🐖🐄 -- 😎 -- Not really...it's been painted brown and the truth hasn't streeetched down -- lol --Thank you my dear Jaylee - Yes, Dylan's 30th keeps giving -- especially when nothing else will -- lol -- perhaps the Greenacres theme!? Pilot or Rod -- I think not! Not on my chief❤researcher's watch! -- 🌟😎 -- Okaay I'm gonna offer this to our Queen of riffs - Hollie -- she can play a rotating D,A,G chord progression and invent a lead line bridge and chorus - I'm sure she could manage that before this lone-looney-tune turns to dust sweet🍬Jaylee❤ -- Thank you for your superb research and analytical skills as always my dearest! ❤❤❤