Bring it on Britny - you should live in France bitch - so Happy Birthday and Hi Alexander -- so I'm so irrelevant that I kinda like some of these from the flop era - [aka the machine age] -- though Britiany could do with a job, I like KP - she's at her floppiest -- she should have released it on a floppy disc -- Christina has embraced the machine age perfectly - she looks sounds and flops beautifully in her bionic embrace - she really needs a cochlear implant! Wonder if she took the red or blue pill -- so irrelevant, what does that even mean anymore?! So that ends our birds of prey -- Now for the men...I'm suspecting they're gonna be droopy and ever so floppy! Black daddy's sounding like a cross between Chris Rock and James Brown - NEXT!! Zayn's World...where's Zarth...Yep, EEK just as I suspected floppy discs have been transposed into floppy dicks...Elvis has left the building........🎤