Jan 30, 2025



Hi my dear sweet Jaylee🖤 -- brilliant preponderances my dear sweet...such are the times my sweet, and yes no doubt my sweet there will always be dignity in the reclamation of the societal self my sweet

¯\__( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)___🪄🎩💥🐇🕳️ and certainly buoyed 'tween truth & illusion my sweet, for it's what we do my sweet -- umbrella at the ready, mirror at the wall, hall at the door -- 'tis the long and winding road beckoning my dear sweet -- leading to the wilderness of the heart my sweet UN Queen 🌾 -- and indeed tragedy has struck⚡ my dear sweet at this sad juncture - 💚may we remember those with wilderness heart betwixt and commiserate for their souls my sweet🙏✈️☄️Thank you my dear sweet queen of all things UN, RvR®️, BB&G et al👑





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