Yes, my dear sweet Jaylee ๐ค-- my bad! ...as they say in the classics, what was I thinking?! -- the coral, of course my sweet -- seemed to have lost my corpus mentis on a slipway south of the Castalian my sweet ๐ชฃ๐ฆ-- Where is my mind; hell, where is my wilderness heart I hear you ask wontingly, my sweet -- and a good question my sweet -- I really need to get back to BB&G sensibilities my dear sweet lest be sidelined by the darkened wood my sweet -- that would not pass the pub test, 'specially at RvRยฎ๏ธ my sweet -- whilst enjoying adytum's high tea my sweet ๐ท๐จ๐ซ-- yes, Trainspotting passes the pub test for sure my sweet, I can see that -- and trainspotting for boats going down de Nile or upon the rickety reef is surely...well, it's boatspotting my sweet, let's be frank my sweet -- no diff my sweet -- shenanigans is only transferred from shaky isles to rickety jetty my sweet -- thus, conquering seven seas my sweet
ยฏ\_( อกยฐ อส อกยฐ)_/ยฏ Riddle me that on a dark night into the darkened wood my sweet! You're welcome! Okay, Thank you my dear sweet Queen of the UN๐๏ธ๐ณ๏ธ๐คand sundry, RvRโข๏ธ, BB&G, et al -- you have pointed the ship in the right direction my dear sweet and thiefffy is ready to cast away from the jetty my sweet -- All your innate wisdom and high tea antics have been garnered and are most welcome my dear sweet UN queen Jaylee ๐ค๐