βοΈπ’π¨π¨π¦ Wow!! and omg!! -- \_( Ν‘Β° ΝΚ Ν‘Β°)_/you have reached way back into the adytum carven hall chronicles of Cheech & Chong shenanigans my sweet...to the walls of the concrete pineapple itself my sweet; but they will never fall into decay whilst my UN queen is all and sundry my sweet π-- as for moving the chaise longue into the adytum...hmmm...sure! ...go ahead, knock yourself out! Did I say that? Seems I have been led astray my sweet...but it certainly would make one great addition to that macabre Festival of Thiefonia πͺπ-- point granted my sweet! Call in the movers and shakers πΏmy sweet -- I might need to use that old seat as a torch of spring my sweet, anyways, so as to light up the oikos my sweet -- yes, I can do that β‘π₯πͺπ₯-- I may have taken in the sweet scent of the inner sanctum, let's put it this way, I would not like to unencumber my sweet queen whilst sacred cake and high tea are being undergoneππ΅ -- Thank you my dear sweet Jaylee for all the tedium endured at an unsettled UNΰΌΌ γ€ β_β ΰΌ½γ€π¨π€π©Ά
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